Moon in 3rd house

Third house is an ‘upachaya’ House. It signifies younger sibling, creativity, skills, own business, entrepreneurship, short journeys, communication and hobbies. As per principles of Hindu astrology, malefic gives better results in ‘upachaya’ house and moon being a benefic planet is not happy here. Third house being also a house of ‘Self effort’ and ‘Will Power” needs the positive energy of malefic planets to fight against this cruel world. Nevertheless, Moon cannot be considered bad in this house especially when placed strongly or having benefic aspect of Jupiter. Moon blesses the native with younger siblings. There may be chances of having more female sibling than male. If the native is born on ‘Amavasya’ , then he can have some issues related to siblings. Either his siblings may not progress or he is having distant relationship with them. Since it is also the house of creativity, the individual may have interest in writing poems, books, fiction novels etc. If the lord of 3rd is placed in 10th, then native may take up the career of writing novels also. Moon being a fast planet can bring lot of journeys to the native. Even Mother’s job can be connected with transportation sector or mother may be travelling a lot. If posited in female signs, he may chatter too much and may find difficult to keep secrets. The malefic aspect can make him back biter. Such individuals are gossipers and expert in spreading rumours. However, he will spread rumour with lot of emotional content. Moon size changes everyday that also affects the will power of such natives. It is very difficult for natives ‘having moon in 3rd house’ to stick to their decisions. They may get bored or lose interest quickly. That is why the relationship with neighbours is also not consistent. 3rd house being a “kama” house makes the person sensuous in this position. There may be occasions when the native will have compromising intimacy with charming and beautiful women. If moon is exalted and not combust can make person very famous through his thoughts and writings. Since moon being placed here also aspects 9th house, the native may get opportunity to have pilgrimage. Mother may be his guide and play a very crucial role in shaping the thoughts. He will find lot of happiness in company of siblings. The native can earn through business of milk, pearl, liquids, sea products, silver etc, if moon is placed in strength and other planetary combinations supporting to have ‘ Own Business’. Afflicted moon here may bring penalty by the state at the age of 24. At the age of 28, the native may have to undergo lot of journeys too. Since it is not a very comfortable position of moon, the individual needs to put lot of effort to get success.
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