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Aquarius (Kumbha) 2015 prediction

Kumbha Sign has special place in vedic astrology as it is a sign of technical and logical inclination. They are destined to uplift the society for better cause. In year 2015, Aquarius native will b[...] 26/02/2015

Capricorn (Makar) Yearly Prediction 2015

Capricorn or Makar is the 10th sign of our Zodiac system. 10th sign and 10th house carry the same energy and therefore, one of the most successful sign to achieve material success. More of a status[...] 19/02/2015

Sagittarius (Dhanu) yearly prediction 2015

Sagittarius is one that sign, everybody would like to born into. It is a sign of positive outlook. 2015 will be the year of Reseach of Dhanu natives. Jupiter is posited in 8th house is supporting t[...] 11/02/2015

Scorpion (Vrischika) Yearly prediction 2015

Here comes the most secretive sign in vedic astrology, Scorpion. It is a Rashi of great determination and will power. In year 2015 the all time benefic jupiter is placed in a very auspicious positi[...] 04/02/2015