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Pisces (Meena) Rashi – Yearly Prediction 2016 (Moon Sign)

The native born with moon in Pisces (Meena) sign in natal chart are falls under Pisces Rashi. This prediction is applicable for only those natives. Pisces is a sensitive sign ruled by Jupiter. Usually submissive in nature but lucky in most of materialistic aspects. However they are weak in decision making. The Lagna lord Jupiter is placed in 6th house of service till august 2016. This would a good period for stability in career. Its aspect on 10th house again confirms that unemployed natives are going to get job this year. However, this Jupiter is cautioning you in health part. Take extra precaution of your digestive system and avoid oily food. Having aspect on 12th house is making to do some charity work in 2016. You may spend on social sectors and underprivileged groups. You may visit spiritual centres to rejuvenate your monotonous life. A very crucial year for younger siblings. There is need to work on relationships with younger ones. The short journeys are very much possible in 1st half of this year. Rahu and ketu are along 6-12 axis of foreign movement. There is strong possibility of foreign journeys in connection with job. However ketu in 6th house can hide your enemies which may try to ta rnish your image silently. Beware of such colleagues. Rahu in 12 house can begin a quest for spiritual journey. You may be looking all around to find the answers. In the 2nd half, Jupiter is progressing to 7th house of love and marriage. The possibility of marriage can not be denied after August. Start saving for your new lifeline. This Jupiter will being smile for true and serious lovers, as God is with them now. The parents would agree for their marriage by the end of 2016. Again the recently married couple may be blessed with child. So marriage and child together, what else one may ask for. Jupiter being 10th and lagna lord is placed in 7th house. An excellent combination of name and fame. Another powerful planet Saturn is posited in 9th house of Luck and father. Native’s father can may undergo through some stressful moments this year. Long distance journeys can bring gain. Try to consult old and experienced seniors for success in professional life. However this Saturn is cautioning you against exerting your beliefs on others. There is need to understand and appreciate other opinions. A rough beginning but wonderful finish. Rough phases makes you knowledgeable and using that gained knowledge you can turn around the life in positive way. In the utter darkness, always remember your true-self.