Meena (pisces) Rashi
Meena is the last of all zodiac Signs and perhaps the most peace loving. When the moon is placed in ‘Meena’ Rashi at the time of birth, you are definitely a Piscean. Meena Rashi is represented by two fishes with one’s head at the tail of another fish. This is symbol of confused state of mind and generally not very sure about their emotions. Like fish, they are peace loving and would love to stay near water bodies. These natives can adjust to any situations, have strong moral values and extremely imaginative. Moon itself is a planet of imagination and when it combines with watery sign likes pisces, it definitely imparts lot of intuition and psychic abilities. Perhaps, this is only sign, which does not want to hurt even its enemies. Ruled by most benefic planet “Jupiter” , It is also indicative of “Moksha”. Highly spiritual persons and Yogis are born under this sign if strongly supported by jupiter, sun and saturn. These natives loves to stay in isolation and brings creative innovation in this world. Doctors, surgeon, monks, prison workers, film making, script writing, dancing, sportsman, social workers, ghost-story writers, Judges, sea- product dealers etc. Venus, is exalted here and imparts purest form of love. Venus placed in Pisces are generally lucky in love affairs. In Short, a native with a peaceful and emotive nature is born under this sign.
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