Taurus Rashi – Yearly prediction 2016 (Moon Sign)
This prediction is based on Moon Sign. Hence the native having moon in Taurus or Vrishabh sign in the natal chat should look for this yearly prediction. In year 2016 the most auspicious planet Jupiter is placed in the house of Comfort and mental satisfaction, whereas Saturn in in your 7th house of marriage and partnership. Rahu/ketu axis is transiting to 4/10th axis from Feb 2016, a positive change in terms of gaining of property. This year Jupiter will try to bring positive opportunities on home front. You may be inclined to invite friends and spend some quality time with them. Jupiter will definitely like to expand the House or one may invest in new property. Retrograde Jupiter can cause short journeys for your benefit between January to April. Benefits through In-laws is also expected. The dream of buying vehicle would be fulfilled this year as Rahu is also entering in 4th house from February. Rahu will tempt you to buy a luxurious car. There are chances of more hospitality this year till August. After August, Jupiter is transiting to Virgo Sign and 5th house which is excellent for educational achievements. For students, this Jupiter would bring success in competitive examinations. Those who are losing in share markets may recover their loss by end of this year. Business men can invest in speculative markets too. The support of Saturn to this Jupiter is destined to bless the couple with a Healthy Child. Your wife can give you this surprising good news after August. The love bond would strengthen between both married and ‘yet to be married’ couple. Love birds may become serious about relationship and their facebook status may be upgraded to ‘committed’. Saturn on the other hand is adding the flavour of ‘responsibility’ in married life. This responsibility will being maturity in relationships. Some misunderstanding may be tackled through patience and peaceful discussion. Jupiter is ready to strengthen this relationship after August. Those in business feel frustrated due to relentless delay in forging deals. But do not get disappointed, Saturn only value patience. Hey do not get disappointed, Saturn has bright side also. You need not wait for your soul mate anymore. Saturn is promising that after August. Do not waste time on ‘free birds’. The shifting of Rahu/ketu axis along 4/10 house is mixed development. This ‘Rahu’ is excellent for leaders and may bless them with unprecedented mass support. The chances of winning election is very high. For other class of people, this rahu/ketu axis slightly greedy. One would go to any length for have all kinds of comforts in Home. Beware of ‘Secretive’ love affairs or relationships especially in month of September and October. ‘Comfort, love and Luxury’ are focus of this year and trust me you won’t be bored of these. In ‘Kaliyuga’, even casual chanting of ‘Lord Krishna’ is enough to fulfil the desires without pain. So expand your desires but deepen your devotion to God too.
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