Aries Rashi- Yearly Prediction 2017 (Based on Moon Sign)
This prediction is based on moon sign. Please do not get confused with sun sign which depends only on date of birth and position of Sun. So you are suggested to first find out Moon sign in birth chart and read this article. Aries is the most energetic rashi among all 12 rashis. They are spontaneous, quick witted but prone to accidents.
This year the most benefic planet Jupiter is transiting in 6th house of diseases and enemies. Jupiter here would help you in maintaining good health and overpowering the enemies. However you need to restrain yourself from getting into loans otherwise you may find difficult to pay afterwards. It is in very good position for spiritual healers and motivators and those into Job. Natives connected with medicine, hospitals and legal work would be gaining most under auspices of Jupiter. Avoid eating sweets and maintain balance diet.
In September as Jupiter progresses to Libra sign, it is going to bring excellent results to businessmen. The marital disharmony would be improved slowly after September. Those who are unmarried can expect marriage by end of 2017. The transit in Libra may bless the newly married couple with a beautiful baby. You can plan for child accordingly. You can also expect lot of journeys after September as Jupiter as 9th and 12th lord is 7th house. It can also bring cheers for those students who are desperately waiting for VISA approval in connection of Higher Studies. Saturn is going to bring major relief for Aries Natives. Saturn being posited in 8th house have brought lot of suffering in last 2 years. By end of January 2017, this Saturn is moving into your 9th house of fortune. This Saturn would bless you with stress free life and would help you in earning money through travelling. However it can bring some friction with father or immediate Boss. Along with Jupiter, Saturn would push for Higher Studies or PHD. Saturn is not always bad as it is creating a condition for child birth in family.
As far as Rahu is concerned, it is transiting to Cancer Sign from July 2017 and ketu is transiting in 10th house. The change of Job is on the cards this year. There is need to take extra care of your mother’s health. Keep check on your desires to get the blessings of Rahu. Rahu gives on its own.
Overall a year of rejuvenation and fresh start. Work real hard and make Saturn happy. This is only planet which can bless you high status and wealth. Meditate on Lord Krishna to relieve you from saturanian mental discomfort.